Few days back, I was looking for creating pop menu for a Tk object. After a lookup over internet I was able to able to create the right click pop-up menu. I thought of sharing same here. We will create a Text widget and use our mouse right click to display the text editing.
Binding Events:
Tk have a built in command bind
which can be used to bind the x-events to the Tk window elements. Syntax for bind command is
bind tag ?sequence? ?+??script?
tag could be replace by the Widget name to bind the x-event. sequence signifies what events to connect to. We will be using the command shown below to bind the mouse events to a Tk window.
bind . <ButtonPress-1> {tk_messageBox -message "Left Button Clicked"}
Or replace ButtonPress-1
with 1
bind . <1> {tk_messageBox -message "Left Button Clicked"}
Creating Menu:
In Tk a pop up menu could be created using menu
command. The syntax for menu command is
menu pathName ?options?
We will create a simple menu with two items in it. Code for creating menu is
menu .menu -tearoff 0
.menu add command -label "Copy"
.menu add command -label "Paste"
Displaying the menu:
The menu can be popped up using tk_popup
command. We can invoke the menu created in last section by using command
tk_popup .menu $x $y
$x, $y
denote the position to display the menu.
Getting the position of cursor:
Mouse cursor position can be obtained from %x
and %y
, but this value is with respect to the Tk window. However the arguments to the tk_popup
are respective to the desktop window. So we will get the Tk window position with respect to the desktop window and add the cursor positions to them.
#Get mouse cursor relative to Tk window
set mx %x
set my %y
#Get window position
set x [winfo rootx .]
set y [winfo rooty .]
#Add to get absolute cursor position
set popupPosX [expr $x+$mx]
set popupPosY [expr $y+$my]
The complete Demo:
In the demo below, a text widget is used. The right click menu is associated with the text widget only. It can also be bound with the window or any other widget.
package require Tk
#Creating the menu
menu .menu -tearoff 0
.menu add command -label "Copy"
.menu add command -label "Paste"
#Creating the text area
text .t
scrollbar .sby -orient vert
pack .sby .t -expand yes -fill both -side right
#Creating binding
bind .t <3> {popupMenu .menu %x %y}
#A function to pop up the menu
proc popupMenu {theMenu theX theY} {
set x [expr [winfo rootx .]+$theX]
set y [expr [winfo rooty .]+$theY]
tk_popup $theMenu $x $y
This completes the introduction to right click pop up menu creation in Tk.