Some tips on CentOS



Categories: Linux Tags: Configuring yum Installing package on CentOS tips on CentOS Using yum with a Proxy Server

Today I tried CentOS for first time. As a newbie I struggled with it for quite some time. This struggle left me with some of the learning. I thought of sharing that learning here with all.

Installing package on CentOS:

You can install any package from repositories by typing

yum install package_name

You will need root privileges to install the packages.

Installing GCC:

For installing GCC compiler type

yum install gcc

Installing G++:

For installing GNU C++ compiler type

yum install gcc-c++

Configuring yum:

I tried to follow above commands for installing package but got following error.

Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
Could not retrieve mirrorlist error was
14: PYCURL ERROR 6 - "Couldn't resolve host ''"

By searching over Google, I came to know that this is something to do with nameservers. To configure your name servers you can edit resolv.conf file. Type

gedit /etc/resolv.conf

and add following lines before other nameserver entries.


This will set the nameservers to Google nameservers, which might help in resolving the issue.

Using yum with a Proxy Server

But, it too didn’t resolve the issue for me. After some time, I realized that I was using a proxy server to connect to internet. So I need to makeyum get trough the proxy server. To do so you need to make entries for proxy server in your /etc/yum.conf file. Enter following lines:

# The proxy server - proxy server:port number 
# The account details for yum connections 

After completing this, I was able to install the packages using yum. I will discuss more explorations in next article.